Python Introduction

Lecture 1


Jay Paul Morgan


  • Python is a high-level programming language created in 1991.
  • While it is an old language, its become vastly popular thanks to its use in data science and other mathematics-based disciplines. While also being able to perform tasks such as GUI, web-development and much more.
  • Because the language is high-level and interpreted, programmers can often find themselves more productive in Python than in other languages such as say C++.

A first program

We’re going to start with the ‘Hello, World’ program that prints Hello, World! to the screen. In python this is as simple as writing:

    print("Hello, World!")   # this prints: Hello, World!
# => Hello, World!

NOTE anything following a # is a comment and is completely ignored by the computer. It is there for you to document your code for others, and most importantly, for yourself.

Running this program

Before we can run this program, we need to save it somewhere. For this, will create a new file, insert this text, and save it as <filename>.py, where <filename> is what we want to call the script. This name doesn’t matter for its execution.

Once we have created the script, we can run it from the command line. We will get into the command line in a later lecture, but right now all you need to know is:

    python3 <filename>.py

An alternative method of running python

You may notice that if you don’t give python a filename to run, you will enter something called the REPL.

    Python 3.9.5 (default, Jun  4 2021, 12:28:51) 
    [GCC 7.5.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.



A variable is a symbol associated with a value. This value can differ widely, and we will take a look at different types of values/data later.

Neverthless, variables are useful for referring to values and storing to the results of a computation.

    x = 1
    y = 2
    z = x + y
    print(z)   # prints: 3
    # variables can be /overwritten/
    z = "hello, world"
    print(z)   # prints: hello, world
# => 3
# => hello, world

Types of data

Primitive data types

Primitive data types are the most fundamental parts of programming, they cannot be broken down.

    "Hello" # string
    1       # integer
    1.0     # float
    True    # Boolean (or bool for short)

We can get the type of some data by using the type(...) function. For example,

    x = "all cats meow"
# => <class 'int'>
# => <class 'float'>
# => <class 'str'>

Basic Math with primitives

Using these primitive data types, we can do some basic math operations!

    print(1 + 2)    # Addtion
    print(1 - 2)    # Subtraction
    print(1 * 2)    # Multiplication
    print(1 / 2)    # Division
    print(2 ** 2)   # Exponent
    print(3 % 2)    # Modulo operator
# => 3
# => -1
# => 2
# => 0.5
# => 4
# => 1

Sometimes types get converted to the same type:

    print(1.0 + 2)  # float + integer = float
# => 3.0

Even more interesting is with Booleans!

    True + True
# => 2

BODMAS in Python

Like in mathematics, certain math operator take precedence over others.

  • B - Brackets
  • O - Orders (roots, exponents)
  • D - division
  • M - multiplication
  • A - addition
  • S - subtraction.

To make the context clear as to what operations to perform first, use brackets.

    (5 / 5) + 1
    5 / (5 + 1)
# => 2.0
# => 0.8333333333333334

Basic Math – Quick exercise

Write the following equation in python:

\((5 + 2) \times (\frac{10}{2} + 10)^2\)

Remember to use parentheses ( ) to ensure that operations take precedence over others.

Your answer should come out as: 1575.0

Working with Strings

Formatting strings

In many previous examples when we’ve printed strings, we’ve done something like:

    age = 35
    print("The value of age is", age)
# => The value of age is 35

While this works in this small context, it can get pretty cumbersome if we have many variables we want to print, and we also want to change how they are displayed when they are printed.

We’re going to take a look now at much better ways of printing.

Better ways of printing strings - %

The first method is using %. When we print, we first construct a string with special delimiters, such as %s that denotes a string, and %d that denotes a number. This is telling Python where we want the values to be placed in the string.

Once we’ve created the string, we need to specify the data, which we do with % (...). Like, for example:

    age = 35
    name = "John"
    print("%d years old" % age)  # no tuple for one variable
    print("%s is %d years old" % (name, age)) 
# => 35 years old
# => John is 35 years old

Here we are specifying the a string %s and number %d, and then giving the variables that correspond with that data type.

The special delimiters correspond with a data type. Here are some of the most common:

  • %s – For strings
  • %d – For numbers
  • %f – For floating point numbers.

There are others such as %x that prints the hexadecimal representation, but these are less common. You can find the full list at:

When using these delimiters, we can add modifiers to how they format and display the value. Take a very common example, where we have a floating point value, and, when printing it, we only want to print to 3 decimal places. To accomplish this, we again use %f but add a .3 to between the % and f. In this example, we are printing π to 3 decimal places.

    print("Pi to 3 digits is: %.3f" % 3.1415926535)
# => Pi to 3 digits is: 3.142

In the previous example, we used .3 to specify 3 decimal places. If we put a number before the decimal, like 10.3 we are telling Python make this float occupy 10 spaces and this float should have 3 decimal places printed. When it gets printed, you will notice that it shifts to the right, it gets padded by space. If we use a negative number in front of the decimal place, we are telling python to shift it to the left.

    print("Pi to 3 digits is: %10.3f" % 3.1415926535)
    print("Pi to 3 digits is: %-10.3f" % 3.1415926535)
# => Pi to 3 digits is:      3.142
# => Pi to 3 digits is: 3.142

The final method of formatting strings is a newcomer within the language, it is the so-called f-string. Where a f character is prefixed to the beginning of the string you’re creating. f-string’s allow you to use Python syntax within the string (again delimited by {}.

Take this for example where we are referencing the variables name and age directly.

    name = "Jane"
    age = 35

    print(f"{name} is {age} years old")
# => Jane is 35 years old

f-string’s allow you to execute Python code within the string. Here we are accessing the value from the dictionary by specifying the key within the string itself! It certainly makes it a lot easier, especially if we only need to access the values for the string itself.

    contact_info = {"name": "Jane", "age": 35}
    print(f"{contact_info['name']} is {contact_info['age']} years old")
# => Jane is 35 years old

We can still format the values when using f-string. The method is similar to those using the %f specifiers.

    pi = 3.1415926535
    print(f"Pi is {pi:.3f} to 3 decimal places")
# => Pi is 3.142 to 3 decimal places

Many more examples can be found at:

Splitting strings

Apart from formatting, there are plenty more operations we can perform on strings. We are going to highlight some of the most common here.

The first we’re going to look at is splitting a string by a delimiter character using the .split() method. If we don’t pass any argument to the .split() method, then by default, it will split by spaces. However, we can change this by specifying the delimiter.

    my_string = "This is a sentence, where each word is separated by a space"
# => ['This', 'is', 'a', 'sentence,', 'where', 'each', 'word', 'is', 'separated', 'by', 'a', 'space']
# => ['This is a sentence', ' where each word is separated by a space']

Joining strings together

As .split() splits a single string into a list, .join() joins a list of strings into a single string. To use .join(), we first create a string of the delimiter we want to use to join the list of strings by. In this example we’re going to use "-". Then we call the .join() method, passing the list as an argument.

The result is a single string using the delimiter to separate the items of the list.

    x = ['This', 'is', 'a', 'sentence,', 'where', 'each', 'word', 'is', 'separated', 'by', 'a', 'space']
# => This-is-a-sentence,-where-each-word-is-separated-by-a-space

Changing cases

Other common operations on strings involve change the case. For example:

  • Make the entire string uppercase or lowercase
  • Making the string title case (every where starts with a capital letter).
  • Stripping the string by removing any empty spaces either side of the string.

Note we can chain many methods together by doing .method_1().method_2(), but only if they return string. If they return None, then chaining will not work.

    x = "    this String Can change case"
# =>     this string can change case
# =>     This String Can Change Case
# => this String Can change case
# => This String Can Change Case

Replacing parts of a string

To replace a substring, we use the .replace() method. The first argument is the old string you want to replace. The second argument is what you want to replace it with.

    x = "This is a string that contains some text"
    print(x.replace("contains some", "definitely contains some"))
# => This is a string that definitely contains some text

Compound data structures

Container data types/Data structures

Container data types or data structures, as the name suggests, are used to contain other things. Types of containers are:

  • Lists
  • Dictionaries
  • Tuples
  • Sets
    [1, "hello", 2]                 # list
    {"my-key": 2, "your-key": 1}    # dictionary (or dict)
    (1, 2)                          # tuple
    set(1, 2)                       # set

We’ll take a look at each of these different container types and explore why we might want to use each of them.

An aside on Terminology

To make our explanations clearer and reduce confusion, each of the different symbols have unique names.

I will use this terminology consistently throughout the course, and it is common to see the same use outside the course.

  • [ ] brackets (square brackets).
  • { } braces (curly braces).
  • ( ) parentheses.


A hetreogenious container. This means that it can store any type of data.

    x = [1, "hello", 2]

Elements can be accessed using indexing [ ] notation. For example:

    print(x[0])    # this will get the first element (i.e. 1)
    print(x[1])    # the second element (i.e. "hello")
    print(x[2])    # the third element (i.e. 2)
# => 1
# => hello
# => 2

notice how the first element is the 0-th item in the list/ we say that python is 0-indexed.


If we wanted to access an element from a data structure, such as a list, we would use the [ ] accessor, specifying the index of the element we wish to retrieve (remember that indexes start at zero!). But what if we ranted to access many elements at once? Well to accomplish that, we have a slice or a range of indexes (not to be confused with the range function). A slice is defined as:


where the end_index is non inclusive – it doesn’t get included in the result. Here is an example where we have a list of 6 numbers from 0 to 5, and we slice the list from index 0 to 3. Notice how the 3rd index is not included.

    x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# => [0, 1, 2]


When we use start_index:end_index, the slice increments by 1 from start_index to end_index. If we wanted to increment by a different amount we can use the slicing form:


Here is an example where we step the indexes by 2:

    x = list(range(100))
# => [10, 12, 14]


One strange fact about the step is that if we specify a negative number for the step, Python will work backwards, and effectively reverse the list.

    x = list(range(5))
# => [4, 3, 2, 1, 0]

In a previous example, I created a slice like 0:3. This was a little wasteful as we can write slightly less code. If we write :end_index, Python assumes and creates a slice from the first index (0) to the end_index. If we write start_index:, Python assumes and creates a slice from start_index to the end of the list.

    x = list(range(100))
# => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
# => [90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99]

Indexing backwards

Finally, we also work backwards from the end of list. If we use a negative number, such as -1, we are telling Python, take the elements from the end of the list. -1 is the final index, and numbers lower than -1 work further backwards through the list.

    x = list(range(100))
# => 99
# => 98

Slicing with negative indexes, also works. Here we are creating a slice from the end of the list - 10, to the last (but not including) index.

    x = list(range(100))
# => [90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98]

Adding data to a list

If we want to add items to the end of the list, we use the append function:

    my_list = []
# => ['all', 'dogs', 'bark']


Dictionaries are a little different from lists as each ‘element’ consists of a key-pair value. Let’s have a look at some examples where the dictionaries contains one element:

    my_dictionary = {"key": "value"}
    my_other_dict = {"age": 25}

To access the value, we get it using [key] notation:

# => 25

NOTE keys are unique, i.e:

    my_dictionary = {"age": 25, "age": 15}
# => 15

The key in the dictionary doesn’t necessarily need to be a string. For example, in this case, we have created two key-pair elements, where the keys to both are tuples of numbers.

    my_dictionary = {(1, 2): "square", (3, 4): "circle"}
    print(my_dictionary[(1, 2)])
# => square

adding data

If we want to add data to a dictionary, we simply perform the accessor method with a key that is not in the dictionary:

    my_dict = {}
    my_dict["name"] = "James"
    my_dict["age"] = 35
# => {'name': 'James', 'age': 35}

Quick Exercise

  • Create a dictionary for the following address, and assign it a variable name called address:
Key Value
number 22
street Bakers Street
city London
  • Print out the address’s street name using the [ ] accessor with the correct key.


    my_tuple = (1, 56, -2)

Like lists, elements of the tuple can be accessed by their position in the list, starting with the 0-th element:

    print(my_tuple[0])  # => 1
    print(my_tuple[1])  # => 56
    print(my_tuple[2])  # => -2
# => 1
# => 56
# => -2

Unlike lists, tuples cannot be changed after they’ve been created. We say they are immutable. So this will not work:

    my_tuple[2] = "dogs"  # creates an Error
# => Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/tmp/pyKdIIcx", line 18, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment


Sets in Python are like tuples, but contain only unique elements.

You can use the set( ) function (more on functions later!), supplying a list, to create a set:

    my_set = set([1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4])
# => {1, 2, 3, 4}

Notice how there is only one ‘2’ in the resulting set, duplicate elements are removed.

adding data

If we want to add data to a set, we use the .add() method. The element used as an argument to this function will only be added to the set if it is not already in the set.

    my_set = set([])
# => {1, 2}

Conditional expressions

If statement

If statements allow for branching paths of execution. In other words, we can execute some statements if some conditions holds (or does not hold).

The structure of a simple if statement is:

if <condition>:
    x = 2
    y = "stop"
    if x < 5:
        print("X is less than five")
    if y == "go":
        print("All systems go!!")
# => X is less than five

In the previous example, the first print statement was only executed if the x < 5 evaluates to True, but in python, we can add another branch if the condition evaluates to False. This branch is denoted by the else keyword.

    x = 10
    if x < 5:
        print("X is less than five")
        print("X is greater than or equal to five")
# => X is greater than or equal to five

does it contain a substring?

We can check if a string exists within another string using the in keyword. This returns a Boolean value, so we can use it as a condition to an if statement.

    x = "This is a string that contains some text"
    if "text" in x:
        print("It exists")
# => It exists

If statement – Quick Exercise

  • Create a variable called age and assign the value of this variable 35.
  • Create and if statement that prints the square of age if the value of age is more than 24.
  • This if statement should have an else condition, that prints age divided by 2.
  • What is the printed value?

Multiple paths

If we wanted to add multiple potential paths, we can add more using the elif <condition> keywords.

Note: The conditions are checked from top to bottom, only executing the else if none evaluate to True. The first condition that evaluates to True is executed, the rest are skipped.

x = 15

if x < 5:
    print("X is less than five")
elif x > 10:
    print("X is greater than ten")
    print("X is between five and ten")

# => X is greater than ten

Inline if-statements

Sometimes, we might want to conditionally set a variable a value. For this, we can use an inline if statement. The form of an inline if statement is:

<value-if-true> if <condition> else <value-if-false>

x = 10

y = 5 if x > 5 else 2

print(x + y)

# => 15

Boolean Logic

As we’ve seen, if statements are checking for conditions to evaluate to True or False. In python we use various comparison operators to check for conditions that evaluate to Booleans.

Comparison operators

  • < less than
  • <= less than or equal to
  • > greater than
  • >= greater than or equal to
  • == is equal to
  • not negation

If we want to check for multiple conditions, we can use conjunctives or disjunctive operators to combine the Boolean formulas.


  • and all boolean expressions must evaluate to true
  • or only one expression needs to be true


Using not you can invert the Boolean result of the expression.

print(not True)

# => False

x = 10

if not x == 11:
    print("X is not 11")

# => X is not 11


Let’s take an example using the and keyword. and here is checking that x is above or equal to 10 and y is exactly 5. If either of the conditions is False, python will execute the else path (if there is one, of course!).

x = 10
y = 5

if x >= 10 and y == 5:
    z = x + y
    z = x * y


# => 15


Here we see the use of the or keyword. If any of the conditions evaluates to True then the whole condition evaluates to True.

x = 10
y = 5

if x < 5 or y == 5:
    print("We got here!")
    print("We got here instead...")

# => We got here!

Note: or is short-circuiting. This means that if tests the conditions left-to-right, and when it finds something that is True it stops evaluating the rest of the conditions.

x = 10

if x < 20 or print("We got to this condition"):
    print("The value of x is", x) 

# => The value of x is 10

Combining And and Or

If your Boolean logic refers to a single variable, you can combine the logic without the and and or. But its not always common.

For example,

x = 7

if x < 10 and x > 4:
    print("X is between 5 and 10")

Can be the same as:

x = 7

if 5 < x < 10:
    print("X is between 5 and 10")

# => X is between 5 and 10


For loop

Looping or iteration allows us to perform a series of actions multiple times. We are going to start with the more useful for loop in python. The syntax of a for loop is:

for <variable_name> in <iterable>:

for i in range(3):

# => 0
# => 1
# => 2


The previous example loops over the body a fix number of times. But what if we wanted to stop looping early? Well, we can use the break keyword. This keyword will exit the body of the loop.

for i in range(10):
    if i > 5:

# => 0
# => 1
# => 2
# => 3
# => 4
# => 5


A different keyword you might want to use is continue. Continue allows you to move/skip onto the next iteration without executing the entire body of the for loop.

for i in range(10):
    if i % 2 == 0:

# => 1
# => 3
# => 5
# => 7
# => 9


Instead of using continue like in the previous slide, the range function provides us with some options:

range(start, stop, step)

In this example, we are starting our iteration at 10, ending at 15, but stepping the counter 2 steps.

for i in range(10, 15, 2):

# => 10
# => 12
# => 14

Loop over collections

For loops allow us to iterate over a collection, taking one element at a time. Take for example, a list, and for every item in the list we print its square.

my_list = [1, 5, 2, 3, 5.5]

for el in my_list:

# => 1
# => 25
# => 4
# => 9
# => 30.25

This kind of looping can work for tuples and sets, but as we have seen, dictionaries are a little different. Every ‘element’ in a dictionary consists of a key and a value. Therefore when we iterate over items in a dictionary, we can assign the key and value to different variables in the loop.

Note the use of the .items() after the dictionary. We will explore this later.

my_dict = {"name": "jane", "age": 35, "loc": "France"}

for el_key, el_val in my_dict.items():
    print("Key is:", el_key, " value is: ", el_val)

# => Key is: name  and the value is:  jane
# => Key is: age  and the value is:  35
# => Key is: location  and the value is:  France

We could also loop over the keys in the dictionary using the .keys() method instead of .items().

my_dict = {"name": "jane", "age": 35, "loc": "France"}

for the_key in my_dict.keys():

# => name
# => age
# => loc

Or, the values using .values().

my_dict = {"name": "jane", "age": 35, "loc": "France"}

for the_value in my_dict.values():

# => jane
# => 35
# => France

List comprehensions

We have seen previously how for loops work. Knowing the syntax of a for loop and wanting to populate a list with some data, we might be tempted to write:

x = []
for i in range(3):


# => [0, 1, 2]

While this is perfectly valid Python code, Python itself provides ‘List comprehensions’ to make this process easier.

x = [i for i in range(3)]

The syntax of a list comprehensions is:

[ <variable> for <variable> in <iterable> ]

We can also perform similar actions with a dictionary

[ <key>, <value> for <key>, <value> in <dictionary.items()> ]

using if’s

Perhaps we only want to optionally perform an action within the list comprehension? Python allows us to do this with the inline if statement we’ve seen in the previous lecture.

x = [i if i < 5 else -1 for i in range(7)]

# => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -1, -1]

We add the inline <var> if <condition> else <other-var> before the for loop part of the comprehension.

There is another type of if statement in a list comprehension, this occurs when we don’t have an else.

x = [i for i in range(7) if i < 3]

# => [0, 1, 2]

In this example, we’re only ‘adding’ to the list if the condition (\(i < 3\)) is true, else the element is not included in the resulting list.

multiple for’s

If we like, we can also use nested for loops by simply adding another for loop into the comprehension.

x = [(i, j) for i in range(2) for j in range(2)]


# => [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]

In this example, we’re creating a tuple for each element, effectively each combination of 1 and 0.

List comprehensions with dictionary

Python doesn’t restrict us to list comprehensions, but we can do a similar operation to create a dictionary.

x = [2, 5, 6]
y = {idx: val for idx, val in enumerate(x)}

# => {0: 2, 1: 5, 2: 6}

Here, every item in x has been associated with its numerical index as a key thanks to the enumerate function that returns both the index and value at iteration in the for loop.

For loop – Quick Exercise

  • Create a list of elements:
    • 2
    • “NA”
    • 24
    • 5
  • Use a for loop to iterate over this list.
  • In the body of the for loop, compute \(2x + 1\), where \(x\) is the current element of the list.
  • Store the result of this computation in a new variable \(y\), and then print y.

Note You cannot compute \(2x + 1\) of “NA”, therefore you will to use an if statement to skip onto the next iteration if it encounters this. Hint try: type(...) =!= str

While loop

A while loop is another looping concept like for but it can loop for an arbitrary amount of times. A while loop looks to see if the condition is True, and if it is, it will execute the body.

The syntax of the while loop is:

while <condition>:

i = 0

while i < 3:
    i = i + 1

# => 0
# => 1
# => 2

x = 0
y = 1

Here is another example:

while x + y < 10:
    print("X is,", x, "and y is", y)
    x = x + 1
    y = y * 2

print("X ended as", x, ", while y is", y)

# => X is, 0 and y is 1
# => X is, 1 and y is 2
# => X is, 2 and y is 4
# => X ended as 3 , while y is 8


Functions are a re-usable set of instructions that can take some arguments and possible return something.

The basic structure of a function is as follows:

def <function_name>(args*):
    (optional) return
  • args* are 0 to many comma separated symbols.
  • body is to be indented by 4 spaces.

This is only the function definition however. To make it do something, we must ‘call’ the function, and supply the arguments as specified in the definition.

def say_hello():   # function definition
    print("Hello, World!")

say_hello()  # calling the function

We’ve already seen some functions provided by Python.

print itself is a function with a single argument: what we want to print.

print("Hello, World!")
# ^         ^
# |         |
# | user supplied argument
# |
# function name 

set is another function that takes a single argument: a collection of data with which to make a set:

set([1, 2, 2, 3, 4])

Example usage of a function

Let’s make a function that takes two numbers and adds them together:

def my_addition(a, b):
    result = a + b
    return result

x = 2
y = 3
z = my_addition(2, 3)  # return 5 and stores in z

# => 5

Quick exercise

  • Create a function called my_square. This function should take one argument (you can call this argument what you like).
  • The body of the function should compute and return the square of the argument.
  • Call this function with 5.556.
  • Store the result of calling this function, and print it.
  • What is the result?

Re-usability with Functions

Functions are better illustrated through some examples, so let’s see some!

name_1 = "john"
name_2 = "mary"
name_3 = "michael"

print("Hello " + name_1 + ", how are you?")
print("Hello " + name_2 + ", how are you?")
print("Hello " + name_3 + ", how are you?")

The above is pretty wasteful. Why? Because we are performing the exact same operation multiple times, with only the variable changed.

By abstracting the actions we want to perform into a function, we can ultimately reduce the amount of code we write. Be a lazy programmer!

name_1 = "john"
name_2 = "mary"
name_3 = "michael"

def say_hello(name):
    print("Hello " + name + ", how are you?")


In this example, we’ve used the function as defined with the def pattern to write the print statement once. Then, we’ve called the function with each variable as its argument.

Named parameters

We’ve seen in previous examples that, when we create a function, we give each of the arguments (if there are any) a name.

When calling this function, we can specify these same names such as:

def say_hello(name):
    print("Hello,", name)


# => Hello, Micheal
# => Hello, Micheal

By specifying the name of the parameter we’re using with the called function, we can change the order

def say_greeting(greeting, name):
    print(greeting, name, "I hope you're having a good day")

say_greeting(name="John", greeting="Hi")

# => Hi John I hope you're having a good day

Optional/Default/Positional arguments

When we call a function with arguments without naming them, we are supplying them by position.

def say_greeting(greeting, name):
    print(greeting, name, "I hope you're having a good day")

say_greeting(#first position, #section position)

The first position gets mapped to variable name of greeting inside the body of the say_greeting function, while the second position gets mapped to name.

Sometimes when creating a function we may want to use default arguments, these are arguments that are used if the call to the function does not specify what their value should be. For example.

def say_greeting(name, greeting="Hello"):
    print(greeting, name, "I hope you're having a good day")

say_greeting("John", "Hi")  # supply greeting as positional argument

# => Hello John I hope you're having a good day
# => Hi John I hope you're having a good day

Note if you supply a default argument in the function definition, all arguments after this default argument must also supply a default argument.

So, this won’t work:

def say_greeting(name="Jane", greeting):
    print(greeting, name, "I hope you're having a good day")

say_greeting("John", "Hi")

Recap on arguments

# defining the function

def say_greeting(name, greeting)  # no default arguments
def say_greeting(name, greeting="Hello")  # greeting is a default argument
def say_greeting(name="Jane", greeting="Hello")  # both arguments have a default

# calling the functions

say_greeting("John", "Hi")  # both arguments are provided by position
say_greeting(name="John", greeting="Hi")  # arguments are supplied by name
say_greeting(greeting="Hi", name="John")  # the position of named arguments do not matter

Function doc-strings

To make it clear for a human to quickly understand what a function is doing, you can add an optional doc-string. This is a string that is added directly after the initial definition of the function:

def my_function(x, y):
    """I am a docstring!!!"""
    return x + y

Some common use cases for docstrings are explaining what the parameters are that it expects, and what it returns.

If your explanation is a little longer than a line, a multiline docstring can be created as long as you’re using """ three quotation marks either side of the string

def my_function(x, y):
    This is my realllly long docstring
    that explains how the function works. But sometimes
    its best not to explain the obvious
    return x + y

Understanding scope

In this example we have two scopes which can be easily seen by the indentation. The first is the global scope. The second scope is the scope of the function. The scope of the function can reference variables in the larger scope. But once the function scope exits, we can no longer reference the variables from the function.

x = 10

def compute_addition(y):
    return x + y

print(y)  # does not work

# => 20
# => 10

Even though we can reference the global scope variable from the scope of the function, we can’t modify it like this:

x = 10

def compute_addition_2(y):
    x = x + 5  # error local variable referenced before assignment
    return x + y


If we really wanted to reference a variable in a global scope and modify its value, we could use the global keyword. Doing this makes the function output something different every time it is called. This can make it difficult to debug incorrect programs.

x = 10

def compute_addition_2(y):
    global x
    x = x + 5
    return x + y


# => 25
# => 15
# => 30

In almost all cases, avoid using global variables. Instead pass the variables as parameters. This can reduce a source of potential errors and ensure that if a function is called multiple times, the output can be more consistent and expected.

x = 10

def compute_addition_3(x, y):
    x = x + 5
    return x + y

print(compute_addition_3(x, 10))
print(compute_addition_3(x, 10))

# => 25
# => 10
# => 25


Library system

Use what you’ve learnt!

We’re going to create a library system to help locate and lookup information about books. For example, we want to know the author of book called ‘Moby Dick’.

To create this system, we are going to do it in stages. First, we will want to create our database of books:

Title Author Release Date
Moby Dick Herman Melville 1851
A Study in Scarlet Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1887
Frankenstein Mary Shelley 1818
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams 1879

Our database is going to be a list of dictionaries. Where each dictionary is a row from this table. For example, one of the dictionaries will have the key “title” and a value “Moby Dick”.

Create this database and call it db.

Locating Books

  • Create a function called locate_by_title that takes the database to look through, and the title to look up as arguments.
  • This function should check each dictionary, and if the title is the same as what was searched for, it should return the whole dictionary.
  • Test this function by calling the locate_by_title function with db and "Frankenstein". You should get {"title": "Frankenstein", "author": ...}.

Note you should include docstrings to describe the arguments to the function, and what it will return.

Selecting a subset

Now that we can find books by the title name, we also want to find all books that were released after a certain data.

  • Create a function called books_released_after that takes two arguments: the database to look through, and the year.
  • This function should look through the database, if it finds a book that was released after the year, it should add it to a list of books that is returned from this function.
  • Test this function by calling books_released_after with db and 1850. This function call should return a list containing three dictionaries. The first entry should be ‘Moby Dick’ and the section should be ‘A Study in Scarlet’, etc.

Updating our database

Oh no! ‘Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy’ was released in 1979 not 1879, there must have been a typo. Let’s create a function to update this.

  • Create a function called update, that takes 5 arguments: 1) the database to update, 2) the key of the value we want to update 3) the value we want to update it to 4) the key we want to check to find out if we have the correct book and 5) the value of the key to check if we have the correct book.

           key="release year",
           where_value="Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy")

Extended exercise

  • In the previous steps we created functions locate_by_title and books_released_after. These two functions are similar in a way that they are selecting a subset of our database (just by different criteria).

  • For this harder exercise, can we create a single function called query that allows us to do both locate_by_title and books_released_after.

  • An example call to this query function may look like:

    results = query(db,
                    where_value="Moby Dick",
  • where_qualifier should accept strings like "exactly", "greater than", and "less than".